Explore geospatial assets used in the environMENTAL project
This platform offers an alternative perspective on the geospatial data utilized in our environmental project. It provides a curated selection
of environmental products employed within the project. These products play a crucial role in enriching other datasets,
aiming to deepen our understanding of the environmental factors influencing mental and overall health.
If you are interested in learning more, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are available to provide data enrichment services tailored
to the specific needs of scientific projects upon request.
This page only presents a subset of the data that the "environMENTAL" project is using.
For example, data on carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, cloud cover, population density, water bodies, topology or ozone, to name but a few, are not yet part of this site.
Special thanks to Sören Hese and Paul Renner from the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, as well as Kerstin Schepanski and James R. Banks from the Free University
Berlin for their invaluable contributions in processing and preparing the data.